There used to be a saying that if you have relatives in America, you have them in Cleveland. Cleveland was considered the largest Slovenian city for a long time after the WW2. Even more Slovenes lived there than in Ljubljana.And of course I am no exception. My ancestors on my mother’s side, three aunts and…
Tag: traveling
To the South
Part TwoMontenegro, Here I Come And so I went further south, past Dubrovnik, all the way to Montenegro.When I cross the border of the republic at that time, I encounter a convoy of vehicles. They were waiting for the ferry across Boka Kotorska. Since I had a lot of time at my disposal, I decide…
To the South
Part OneFrom Bosnia with Love Before the war in the Yugoslav republics in the nineties, we traveled through Bosnia several times. We either went south to the sea, or to visit the old Bosnian towns. Vrbas river canyon, Mostar, Jajce, Sarajevo… Narrow roads, unlit tunnels, inadequate road signage, yes or no signposts…And so in the…
Mỹ Sơn
Between the 4th and 13th centuries a unique culture which owed its spiritual origins to Indian Hinduism developed on the coast of contemporary Viet Nam. This is graphically illustrated by the remains of a series of impressive tower-temples located in a dramatic site that was the religious and political capital of the Champa Kingdom for…
West of the Pecos
Zane Gray – West of the PecosPecos Smith is the best horseman, the best shot, the best man with a rope who ever rode out of southwest Texas. That is all anyone really knows about him. But in six-gun country, west of the Pecos, people figure he will be useful to have around. This is…
Tuscan-style Chicken Fillet
Tuscany.One of the most photogenic landscapes in the world. The land of delicious food and pleasant wines.Lines of cypress trees on the horizon, lonely trees, blooming poppy fields. Vineyards, sunflower fields.Medici family, Dante Alighieri, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Galileo Galilei and more and more.The medieval towns are perched on top of the hills.Florence, San Giminiano,…
Sleeping in Austin, TX
How much of our lives is spent sleeping? The average person spends about 26 years sleeping in their life, which equates to 9,490 days or 227,760 hours. That’s one third of our entire lives spent asleep in bed! Wait! In bed? Where I didn’t sleep at all, on trains, in ship cabins, on the Greyhound,…
Night Adventure in New York
Night from Saturday to Sunday in the last week of February 1982.The night after spending the day in foggy and slightly rainy Washington D.C. When I inadvertently came across the back door of the White House, without a line, and I walked through the corridors and halls where decisions are made about the destiny of…
The Mulberries in Brooklyn
Morus nigra, called black mulberry is a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceae that is native to southwestern Asia, where it has been cultivated for so long that its precise natural range is unknown. The black mulberry is known for its large number of chromosomes.Morus nigra is a deciduous tree growing to 12…
Morning Prayer in Bukhara
From the beginnings of Islam, there have been three types of mosques: Djuma mosques, which are intended for the large crowds that come to Friday services, Namazga country mosques (musalla idgoh), which are used by the male population of both the city and the surrounding countryside to celebrate the two Muslim holidays Qurban and Ramazan,…